Samuel Montgomery-Blinn

Results 10 comments of Samuel Montgomery-Blinn

I almost don't want to mention this as hey, competitive advantage, but I am getting gapless loop playback using the WAV file format on iOS.

Oof. Based on actually poking around cryptography for this, it looks like a very widespread issue: With the 'solution' being pinning to cryptography

Cannot yet use yahoo as its endpoints are https and Go's http.Get does not support https.

Same issue for Google: https endpoints.

I tried adding an initContainer with a wait for the migrations job, but still had the same issue. Looking into the issue, I see this for the postgresql statefulset: ```...

Got around this by specifying additional params to the postgresql dependency during helm install: ``` --set postgresql.resources.limits.cpu="250m" --set postgresql.resources.limits.memory="256Mi" ```

Welp, migrations job still doesn't complete successfully: ``` 68/u api_key_last_used_at (140.629022ms) 69/u replace_activity_table (153.972221ms) 70/u trigger_on_user_delete (152.202387ms) 71/u user_bid_inviting_user_id (150.680189ms) 72/u add_attachment_name (143.015315ms) 504 Something went wrong. ```

Looks like opensearch statefulset also has an issue: ``` create Pod opensearch-cluster-master-0 in StatefulSet opensearch-cluster-master failed error: Pod "opensearch-cluster-master-0" is invalid: spec.containers[1].resources.requests: Invalid value: "1": must be less than or...

Passing additional opensearch.resources.limits values to the helm install got opensearch a bit further, but still not coming up: ``` $ kubectl -n ci360-qe-reportportal logs opensearch-cluster-master-0 -c opensearch Disabling execution of...

One small datapoint in favor of the currently experimental content cache: build: 21:10:55 [build] 5904 page(s) built in 170.55s 21:13:36 [build] 5904 page(s) built in 118.22s Second build was...