Using `` shows really weird visual results. The numbers in the animation are all over the place before it reaches the final count.
Versions: `Android 7` ``` "react": "16.0.0-beta.5", "react-native": "0.49.3", "react-native-textinput-effects": "^0.4.1" ``` First exception: ``` Exception in native call com.facebook.react.bridge.JSApplicationIllegalArgumentException: Error while updating property 'backgroundColor' in shadow node of type: AndroidTextInput...
Is there a way to convert a server_steam_id to an ip:port?
I had a log full of `DEBUG/dalvikvm(509): GC_CONCURRENT freed 4688K, 23% free 18428K/23751K, paused 7ms+19ms` when executing the callback of the apiCall method. Sometimes the app crashed, sometimes it would...