Results 4 issues of YUQIAN

**Describe the issue** kb count INDROPSV2 data [https://data.humancellatlas.org/explore/projects/7c75f07c-608d-4c4a-a1b7-b13d11c0ad31](https://data.humancellatlas.org/explore/projects/7c75f07c-608d-4c4a-a1b7-b13d11c0ad31) , Why does so much data generate only a little result? what other input files should I need? Thank you. Generating whitelist.txt...


**Describe the issue** kb_python 0.27.3 I get this error when trying to process the same batch of data, I don't know why this is happening? Hope to give some advice,...

代码拉下来之后, 安装依赖之后,首先运行 `npm run build:dll` 没有报错, 然后运行 `npm run build` 时 报错 `Error: Cannot find module '../dist/production/libs/vendor-manifest.json'`

Hello, I use single cell sequencing data to run somatic SNV calling from scRNA-seq. It takes a lot of time when I run the second step (cellScan), about 30+ hours....