Basement.Types.Word{128,256} have `Storable` instances, which do not take endianness into account and result in a rather peculiar mixed endian encoding for Word128 and Word256 on little endian architectures. AFAIK all...
On a configured system, running as a non-privileged user is possible. Keep bailing out when running as non-root for those who have not configured their systems, so they don't report...
Implemented basic decode for a simple most common payment format. ``` import pay_by_square print(pay_by_square.decode(b'00...')) ``` ``` python3 -c 'import pay_by_square; from pprint import pprint; pprint(pay_by_square.decode("0005M00012LBBN6EVVIO6I2MD1A3D4NP5FR5TEPRPD1R2KAE60SS1IAQV4T4C1AMCALGA9QH2SAKAG7DVL6LBCS90RE527H8BC90QTTB8CLHNA1SRKK3A7SU86PI6A69D2EU70S000000000"))' ```