Results 27 issues of monksy

Adding an awesome list that is focused on Apache Kafka.


Add stream API support so that we don't have to write custom methods for doing simple stuff.

This is to serperate out the core functionality from it's REST interface. This would give a chance to other REST frameworks to show how to integrate with the project. This...

A lot of the logic in the repositories looks replicated throughout all of the repositories. This may be better to break this up into reusable traits. I.e.: OrderService extends ......

Could we get the option within the generation to have this tool generate a POJO that is able to implement the clone method and to make deep copies of it's...


If you pass in the classOf the log and continue exception handler, the mocked streams fails because it can't cast this to a string. KafkaStreams takes care of this internally....

Because we aren't considering that the topology could fail, we're not cleaning up if there is a failure in running the topology. Consider closing even if there was an exception...

Is it possible that we can get a version for Scala 2.11?

When choosing times within the time option, there is a round trip that happens. Allow for the user to put in their name, and then send their selection updates as...

### First Check - [X] This is not a feature request. - [X] I added a very descriptive title to this issue. - [X] I used the GitHub search to...

bug: confirmed