
Results 7 issues of Monkeylord

`CryptoEngine.prototype.getAlgorithmByOID` does not recognize K-256 `ECPublicKey` does not recognized it, either. They use a switch-case to recognize algorithm, which make them incompatible with algorithm not listed, even though webcrypto-liner is...

In Java, array is also kind of java.lang.Object, but in frida-java-bridge, it's in separated types, and JavaLangObjectType cannot handle array types properly. Object array cannot be cast to java.lang.Object As...

received this ~~~ (node:8040) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Path must be a string. Received undefined at assertPath (path.js:28:11) at Object.join (path.js:489:7) at Push.init (C:\Users\Monkeylord\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\bsvpush\dist\push.js:182:45) at Object. (C:\Users\Monkeylord\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\bsvpush\dist\cli.js:57:29) at step (C:\Users\Monkeylord\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\bsvpush\dist\cli.js:33:23) at

1. SM4加解密时iv的用法 2. SM4加解密时使用SM4的ECB/CBC

是否能够支持更多的Padding类型,以及让用户自己选择Padding呢 因为我知道有一些应用不使用PKCS7

TypeError: JSUtil.integerAsBuffer is not a function at addNetwork (.\node_modules\bsv-p2p\lib\networks.js:105:28) at Object. (.\node_modules\bsv-p2p\lib\networks.js:243:1)

So it will be easy to read. I don't think we can reduce data size with JSON. JSON is for human reading. To reduce data size, we can forward it...