Results 30 comments of Monkey

All expected commands have been executed.

You will receive the error returned by the command. ```go // fail err = redisCli.Set(context.TODO(), "key", "value", 0).Err() Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) ```

Yes, some functions or commands are not supported, I plan to optimize it in the near future.

From the documentation, MONITOR is just a debugging command, I don't know much about this command, maybe you can try the `client.Do(ctx, cmd...)` method?

I am very puzzled. In the example, why does the same key reach different nodes?

Can you provide go code examples? for example: ```go db := redis.NewClusterClient(...) pipeline := db.Pipeline() pipeline.Get(ctx, xxx) pipeline.Set(ctx, xxx) ```

You can try to use it like this: ```go func produce(ctx context.Context, client *redis.ClusterClient, cmds []redis.Cmd) error { _, err := client.Pipelined(ctx, func(pipe redis.Pipeliner) error { for _, cmd :=...

this is not an error of redis.Client, please read the redis documentation:

I think it may be that some kind of operation interruption may trigger such a problem (but I am not sure what operation was interrupted) I often press "control+c" to...

During the weekend, I have run 3 containers*30 hours of testing continuously. Unfortunately, the data race I was expecting did not appear. I even began to wonder if this error...