Hey, thanks for the update. A lot of good info there. I'm running the beta of my bot in cmd. I have it login with the email and pw associated...
Here I'll just explain it here. So it runs in cmd, the program is saved in the line directory within python 27, same with my certification. Code framework is: client=(email,pw)...
This program is saved in the same directory as my certificate. I even added my certificate to my path. The basis of my program is this: it checks a forum...
The error is always from line 68, in sendMessage raise e Exception: Error: You need to login first. There is no valid certificate. On Sun, Jun 4, 2017 at...
Okay this is very weird. So I tested today running code on an 80 second interval sending a "test" message to only friends. It worked fine every 80 seconds for...
Here is the framework for the code: This same code allows messages to contacts to be looped. However, when I change it to groups, like above, it sends the message...
Here's the code that code: 
@R-N That's the thing, I don't have to restart pin validation everytime I run the program. I can go to cmd and simply type in "file".py and it reruns.
Here is what my looks like 
I know bud, I just don't know exactly how to update to make it work to send messages to groups. I think I blasted too many group messages the...