Abdelmounaam Benhouria
Abdelmounaam Benhouria
I think i understand what you mean, you mean you want to group users into companies, and each company has it's own permissions? If you don't need user permissions, i...
@RemiCollin can sync jobs return objects/values? I think a job logically will contain bunch of actions.
So you need two relations, belongsToThrough, and belongsToManyThrough x)
If I may suggest something, use the route defaults function to force the subdomain in a middleware
For example, in my multi tenant apps I often use this code ```php app('url')->defaults(['host' => $request->route('host')]); $request->route()->forgetParameter('host'); ``` And then whenever I use the `route()` helper the host get inserted...
The second line actually removes the `$host` parameter from controllers, so I dont have to pass it through all controller methods for example ```php public function saveCategory(Request $request, Category $category){...