Results 4 comments of Momen Abdelkarim

Hi @themathgeek13, this is on a ubuntu machine, and I've tried it on two machines using two different CUDAs (8.0 and 9.0) and different ways of installation.

I have this same exact issue I've been trying to solve for days. I even went through every necessary file and set CUDA to False or just removed a CUDA...

@fernandojunior I mean how is resolution defined in this part of your code: ``` from darknet import Darknet ... model = Darknet(cfgfile) model.net_info["height"] = resolution ... torch.onnx.export(model, dummy_input, "yolo.onnx") ```

@sfurlani Great, it worked for me, but when I test the ONNX network using a visualizer it has no Yolo layers anymore. Could that be whats broken?