These is a question, in , LogMinerStreamingChangeEventSource does not have handle(event) method so that we can not stop for fetch binlog for snapshot split. I can not kown how...
I run OracleE2eITCase in my compute successfully, i guess it is time out after 150 seconds proxy.checkResultWithTimeout( expectResult, "products_sink", new String[] {"id", "name", "description", "weight"}, 150000L);
Hi @fuyun2024 Thanks for your comment. You inspired me. I did it with a simpler way. OracleRedoLogSplitReadTask implement afterHandleScn method and check do we need to stop for fetch redo...
@leonardBang @GOODBOY008 @fuyun2024 I'm excited to tell you that I have passed the test. I'll merge the code, including the test code, on Sunday. And then I'll add end-to-end testing...
@szgyh I guess you use the debezuim config(log.mining.strategy: redo_log_catalog) or do use this config default value(redo_log_catalog).I suggest that config log.mining.strategy to online_catalg that you can slove this question. see [log.mining.strategy](
please assign this task to me if no one accepts this task. I am happy to accept this assignment @PatrickRen
1. The backup library cannot use Logminer core cause: DBMS_LOGMNR_D and DBMS_LOGMNR write data to V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS view is required to write permission. Active/standby deployment is used for DISASTER recovery deployment,...
@leonardBang I'm sorry for not replying in time. I developed part of the work before and didn't have time to submit PR. I submitted that PR separately and compared the...
@liugddx plz assign it to me. thx