please you can share the pre-trained model or send me to [email protected]
Please can you make a demo of the colab,to prove with your own images.
can you please create an example in google collab
I'd like to play with this but I don't have a hardware to train with. someone who has trained this, can share their weights, I would appreciate it
the torrent and mega and tandex links only have build 2022 , but not the previous one as the readme indicates. my pc doesn't support windows 10 only win8.1 i...
I get an error when I run !python --checkpoints_dir "" --name CelebA-HQ_pretrained --load_size 256 --crop_size 256 --dataset_mode custom --label_dir /content/SEAN/imgs/colormaps --image_dir /content/SEAN/imgs/colormaps --label_nc 19 --no_instance --gpu_ids 0 ```...
is it now possible to complete images with text, like the openai example of "same cat below sketch"?
------------ Options ------------- batchSize: 4 beta1: 0.5 checkpoints_dir: ./checkpoints continue_train: False cross_embed: False data_augmentation: True data_type: 32 dataroot: ./datasets/helen_align/ debug: False debug_mask_part: True display_freq: 30 display_winsize: 512 dist_model: False embed_length:...
you can add a colab to train.