Jens Dahl Møllerhøj
Jens Dahl Møllerhøj
I worked around this issue using: `map :bn:bd #:bp`
Great! We'll work on replacing our own code with this gem, let's hope it becomes somewhat of a standard!
It's useful in scenarios where we want to do calculations on date ranges as if they were sets. Operations such as union, intersection, subtraction, can be used to answer questions...
I'd suggest supporting different settings for inclusive/exclusive bounds: See postgres documentation: Should also affect to_s and inspect by printing either (),[],[) or (]
I looked though this repo, looking exactly for this, it would be very useful. I would be the only way make use new pr's actually cover what they should :-)
I honestly like the CRUD order better, but consistency is my no. 1 priority. (I really just want to see a rubocop, but they refered me to this guide).
I don't think the default order is logical - How about "Use a consistent order of resourceful actions in your controller"
1. To my understanding, begin fat simply means that the class has many lines of code. 2. Going great, we implement new controllers instead of adding functionality to the old...
> For the reference, [ROCA-style]( I can't seem to find the paragraphs relevant to this discussion in the link, can you help me out?
> I believe you mistakenly posted the same link (posted above) twice. You're right, I have fixed the link. > Indeed, justifying a significant pivot can be hard, and it's...