Mads Moi-Aune
Mads Moi-Aune
Hey, @KevinMarquette! Have you had time to take a look at this?
When a Azure Public IP is deployed for Bastion it will also have an association with a Microsoft managed loadbalancer, but it is then called "DeploymentLB".
This is a limitation of the Export Template in Azure ([source](
According to your error message you are trying to run `Export-AzViz` command from `bash`. You must run it from within `pwsh` on a Mac. If you have `pwsh` installed on...
I'm guessing its because there are some resource in your resource group that does not have an icon associated with it. You can check all the icons [here]( and the...
I think that you are setting your Authorization header the wrong way, because the `$token` variable will be an object containing multiple fields. Try this instead: ```powershell $headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer $($token.AccessToken)")...