Hey, Thanks for the response. What I am trying to do is that according to the current browser initializing cropbox. The thing is I have to jquery to check the...
Yeah I understood that. But now the thing is I don't want to make a new instance when its re-sizing, I just want to make the new instance once the...
The thing is I have an image area, which is set once the application launches. Like for mobiles it will launch an image area according to the mobile screen. The...
Hi, I was able to figure something out using Jquery Orientation function. But if you figure something out I will surely look into it. Thanks a lot.
I have managed to find the issue, when the height or width of the image is equal to or less then the cropbox height or width, respectively, then it cannot...
You are suppose to do something like this $('#postcar_image').cropbox({ width: w, height: h showControls: 'never' })
So I am trying to debug and if I don't click the date then this function is not run, ``` _setDate() ```
So this function > keydown has a switch case, which doesn't consider the case if number keys are pressed. What should be done in that case? So rather that going...