@trask YES the Java logging threshold is set to DEBUG level
I have actually tried both to be honest. For now I am using - { "instrumentation": { "logging": { "level": "DEBUG" } } }
Hi @trask Apologies for this delay, please find the attached source replicated that is failing to track the logs to appinsights [](
HI @trask Can you check into AppInsights traces on azure portal if it was capture there. As when we look over an operation in azure portal these logs seems missing...
Hi @trask If my understanding is correct the logs are not capture under operation is due to mdc are not attached to those logs probably - trace_id is not present...
Hi @trask I tried with spring boot 2.x version as well but could see the same behaviour ` OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Options -Xverify:none and -noverify were deprecated in...
Encountering the same issue.
Hi @madzskill this fix is in regards to comment This does not fix the disconnection but it tries to successfully reconnects when gets a disconnect message, as it does...