Hello, I do not manage to get the timezone right :( need IST (Israel, gmt +2), entering IST does not work, entering gmt+3 or just +3, shows etc/GMT+3 but the...
Pin 22 does not work for me. any ideas? please help
problem solved, it is indeed pin 22 (although somehow green LED is also 22) BUT the power switch has to be on even if connected via USB and all seems...
I had the same problem, i installed using opkg with the --force-reinstall option, installation was fine, but i still don't manage to get any feedback from the webcam :(
Try downgrade Esp8266 board version to 2.4.2 it worked for me
A bit of old advice, but maybe will work: Try downgrade Esp8266 board version to 2.4.2 it worked for me
Why the rc version? Please try 2.4.2