Mohammed Ridwanul
Mohammed Ridwanul
Need to build abstraction for our consumers such that they do not talk directly to Redis. @pippinlee could you add some more context to this?
Currently, there is no enforcement of a proper Redis key naming convention. We loosely follow a colon-delimited pattern, but there are issues inherent to this approach as well. We should...
@hyun20005 After #87, look at the redis keys that are not in use. We should either remove the redis keys altogether, or refactor the related functionality to take advantage of...
@hyun20005 Some shallow investigation into our redis usage shows that there may be some keys that are being stored but never being used. We should first do a full analysis...
Currently, the procedure with which we interact with redis is inconsistent. For example, accessing redis directly through the controller versus through the model, or via code in the SDK versus...
From @hyun20005 In terms of our data model, we conceptually have a User that is associated with every operation, but the implementation of a User is not very well defined....
Basically pull the authentication code out of contrib and the auth controller out of the rest api and package them into their own project or repo.
The SDKs should only contain user consumed code at the top level. Other packaged outside of the SDKs should not be reaching in for functionality. This has the added benefit...
Tensorboard workdir is currently loaded from service.config. This should instead live in the submission config. CC: @shazraz
Move the network port configuration during start-up from submission/execution config (scheduler/redis) to service.config.