Mohammed Sadiq

Results 7 issues of Mohammed Sadiq

i cant get this to work through binding. but static number works, see below my implementation (xaml file) (ViewModel) public override void OnAppearing() { var result = await this.notificationService.GetNotificationCount(); this.Count...

the OnNavigationStarted event is not firing on android but it works on iOS fine see code below; ``` WebView1.OnNavigationStarted += WebView1_OnNavigationStarted; private void WebView1_OnNavigationStarted(object sender, Xam.Plugin.WebView.Abstractions.Delegates.DecisionHandlerDelegate e) { var localUrl...

when change orientation the scroll stop before the content. doesn't auto-resize (on IOS)

## 🐛 Bug Report Default FirebaseApp is not initialized in this process Make sure to call FirebaseApp.initializeApp(Context) first.

when receiving the notification for the 1st time it works fine but when the app restarts the token is empty and the app crashes see below for screenshots; ![Screenshot 2020-11-16...

this nuget does not work with latest version of xamarin.forms

hi cant seem to bind data from bottomsheet to my view model see below for example ` ` view model ` private async void ChooseLanguageTask() { SelectedLanguageText = itemDetail.LanguageTitle; var...