Mohamed Barakat
Mohamed Barakat
The ability to compute `LiftAlongMonomorphism`/`ColiftAlongEpimorphism` is currently used to distinguish pre-abelian categories from abelian ones. However, in `CAP` they can be [derived from the set-theoretic operations `Lift`](`Colift` *with no further...
I suggest deriving the limit from the colimit operations rather than vice versa. At some point, we can derive most colimit operations from the towers and have less code to...
As discussed with Fabian it would be desirable to write half of the derivations and automatically generate the opposite versions using `CompilerForCAP` and the current infrastructure. Background: I have written...
The condition in this if-statement should include `and not data_type = "list_with_unknown_element_type"`.
I suggest renaming `AdditiveClosure` into `StrictAdditiveClosure` since its universal property only works for functors into strict additive categories (those for which the unitors and associators of the direct sums are...
I suggest removing `IsCongruentForMorphisms` from `CAP_INTERNAL_CONSTRUCTIVE_CATEGORIES_RECORD.EveryCategory` and adding it to a new record entry of `CAP_INTERNAL_CONSTRUCTIVE_CATEGORIES_RECORD`. I can think of two possible names for this algorithmic property: * `IsCategoryWithDecidableEqualityOfMorphisms` *...
* IsomorphismFromKernelOfCokernelToImageObject * IsomorphismFromCoimageToCokernelOfKernel
```gap gap> LoadPackage("FunctorCategories"); true gap> FiniteStrictCoproductCocompletion( FinBouquets ); FiniteStrictCoproductCocompletion( FinBouquets ) gap> FiniteStrictCoproductCocompletion( ModelingCategory( FinBouquets ) ); Error, there is already a method known for DistinguishedObjectOfHomomorphismStructureExtendedByFullEmbedding with a category filter...