Hamid Mohamadi

Results 4 comments of Hamid Mohamadi

Hi @mirounga I'm getting the following runtime performance results: ``` [hmohamadi@hpcg01 ntHash_avx]$ ./nttest_avx -k50 ERR294494_1.part1.fastq CPU time (sec) for hash algorithms for kmer=50 nthash ntavx2 ntavx232 ntavx512 ntavx532 6.72 2.14...

@parham-k can you take a look at it and merge if compatible with the new release?

Thanks @shenwei356 for reporting this! We'll try to sync up with @will-rowe and @luizirber to have new releases for Golang and Rust implementation.

@jowong4 I remember you fixed this issue, right? need to add an error exception for ntcard on too few read/kmers.