Michael O'Farrell
Michael O'Farrell
It looks like your guess is correct. The code looks like it politely gives way to other threads, but it is not async aware. https://github.com/facebook/hhvm/blob/master/hphp/runtime/ext/curl/curl-pool.cpp#L79 Making a similar version that...
@acrylic-origami is right in that it correctly runs because it is eagerly executed. It would be more correct to join the result. This way the await handle is not orphaned,...
@xKerman Sorry this has taken so long. I kept checking back after test results had expired. This looks like it is working well, but I feel like it would be...
Does the audio portion work alone? (without the v flag) `./p2pvc
portaudio is now a required dependency. The portaudio branch has been moved to master. Please clone the master branch and make sure to install portaudio
What are your Xresources ``` cat ~/.Xresources ```
My guess is a lot of the args passed to the HHVM cmake (brew does this for you) will need to be passed to the cmake call in `./build.sh`. https://docs.hhvm.com/hhvm/installation/building-from-source#mac-os-x-homebrew__build-hhvm...
Is there a reason you are building these images rather than using the ones we publish on docker hub? This is now relatively out of date.
I added config options to stop the warning. Disabling the perf event system stops the warnings.
Our current dockerfile templates look like this: hhvm template: ``` FROM ubuntu:%(basever)s ENV HHVM_DISABLE_NUMA true RUN apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver \ hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 0x5a16e7281be7a449 RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install...