Results 6 issues of MOΞ

Is it possible to retreive the list of saved collections and their names with this API? I only see the collection IDs returned with the saved items, but there's no...

feature request

Any plans on adding support for tvOS?

For blocking overlays, allow us to customize the background by making SwiftOverlay.backgroundColor public.

It would be great if the selected tokens can be added to the url so refreshing the page doesn't force you to select the tokens again.

This library doesn't build with the latest Xcode/Swift. Are there plans to update this? Is this project still maintained?

I'm calling: ``` let presenter = PasscodeLockPresenter(mainWindow: UIApplication.shared.keyWindow, configuration: configuration) presenter.presentPasscodeLock() ``` from `didFinishLaunchingWithOptions` and `applicationDidEnterBackground` but it doesn't seem to work properly. On launch, only the Touch ID alert...