
Results 4 issues of yangg

Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks! 在你提交 issue 前,请先回答以下问题,谢谢! 1. What version of Go and cronsun version are you using? 你用的是哪个版本的 Go 和 哪个版本的 cronsun? go1.11 0.3.4...


inspire by @hsqlu pr #440, add [open-falcon](https://github.com/open-falcon/of-release) as output writer , refer to **ElasticWriter**, the data which post to open-falcon will be more **open-falconic**, I will continue to finish it...

can this lib support redis cluster above version 4.0 ? if support, give a example, thanks a lot.


error message like ` hmsclient.genthrift.hive_metastore.ttypes.MetaException: MetaException(message="Error parsing partition filter : line 1:0 no viable alternative at character '$'") `