Michael Stölzle
Michael Stölzle
Yes, rendering of `Rmd`files would be really nice!
> I agree, seriously no update on this? I would really benefit of sharing nb.html files here.... Yes, any update on this? Would be so nice...
Thanks, nice effort here to have better colours. Have you looked into the Color palette proposed by Okabe and Ito (https://github.com/clauswilke/colorblindr/blob/master/R/palettes.R), implemented in the `colorblindr` package from @clauswilke. I guess...
Ok, thanks. Yes, would be good to have this more prominent. Perhaps it is possible to show the lightness gradients such as shown on https://ai.googleblog.com/2019/08/turbo-improved-rainbow-colormap-for.html.
Perhaps there is a misunderstanding, sorry. I suggest to have on the github page and also directly in the package help files a comment on potential issues of the turbo...
Thanks. Yes, CRAN is planned for the future (end of the year).
Thanks. Sorry, but could you give me please some advice where to find this function exactly?
+1 tabset in radix - would be really nice!
Try to call `annotation_scale()` before `coord_sf()`. Michael