http://leo-project.net/leofs/docs/configuration/configuration_3.html should add a explanation about http.sending_chunked_obj_len. it's useful when timeout happened frequently between leo_gateway and client due to narrow downlink bandwidth.
## Draft - How it works - [ ] [Cluster - leofs_docs/issues/29](https://github.com/leo-project/leofs_docs/issues/29) - [ ] Network Toporogy - [ ] Monitor - [ ] Recover - [ ] Update (Attach|Detach)...
We've already had kinda automatic meta|object migration logic in https://github.com/leo-project/leo_object_storage/blob/develop/src/leo_object_storage_transformer.erl so basically users don't need to take care even if meta|object format changed because leofs automatically handle migrations behind the...
Fixes suggested at https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!msg/leoproject_leofs/QsxY2wNWhYg/YV2Xlx2AFgAJ - [ ] Fix wrong explanations - https://leo-project.net/leofs/docs/getting_started/getting_started_2.html to be fixed as manager.partner is required - installation guide to be fixed to recommend the package installation...
There are some features that are not(can not) supported due to the lack of implementation or intrinsic nature of eventual consistency such as - exclusive creation of regular files -...
Consider to add the description how to delete queue files manually into the doc. reference: https://gist.github.com/mocchira/1c4852c57c7b328aef46eb234b74093b Also think of providing this feature through leofs-adm for safe with as less human...
because it's non-intuitive that it takes effect for only put operations.
such as - Under a narrow bandwidth - Needs to modify configs related to **timeout** and **throughput** - Under JBOD used on leo_storage(s) - Increasing erlang.asyc_threads might be needed to...
With 1.3.2 we had mistaken not including https://github.com/leo-project/leo_object_storage/commit/ff956e1c5ed92e4c2aac0851aa5d826269742978 that should be included due to the lack of double-check in the release and the inheritance how code managed (lots of dependencies...