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[document] fix and improve the current docs
Fixes suggested at https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!msg/leoproject_leofs/QsxY2wNWhYg/YV2Xlx2AFgAJ
- [ ] Fix wrong explanations
- https://leo-project.net/leofs/docs/getting_started/getting_started_2.html to be fixed as manager.partner is required
- installation guide to be fixed to recommend the package installation rather than the source one
- the consistency level(R:W:D) except num_of_replicas(N) can be changed on the fly
- the procedure for temporal change would be useful
- the procedure for parmanent change would be useful
- http://leo-project.net/leofs/docs/_images/leofs-upgrade-flow-diagram.jpg
- currently diagram shows "copy, then stop, then start" but should be "stop then copy, then start"
- [ ] Improvements (more strict explanation)
- consistency.num_of_replicas
- what happend if changed?
- consistency.rack_aware_replicas
- ports opened on managers
- obj_containers.(paths|num_of_containers)
- what users have to do if they want to change those?
- metadata (how much disk space do those take? and so on)
- mnesia
- queue
- metadata corresponding to each object
- http://leo-project.net/leofs/docs/faq/faq_3.html#how-do-i-set-a-number-of-containers-at-leofs-storage-configuration list advantages/disadvantages as much as possible
- small number
- big one
- Erlang VM related properties
- when user have to change those?
- num_of_vnodes
- how to determine the appropriate value?
- when user have to change?
- solve deviation of disk space per node
- Pitfalls when running multiple gateways in different mode
- Administration Guide: LeoFS Storage Operations.
- Compaction on old nodes might be highly recommended after rebalance is finished.
- after you add a few storage nodes, disk usage on existing nodes won't go down until compaction is performed.
- Compaction on old nodes might be highly recommended after rebalance is finished.
- consistency.num_of_replicas