**Description of issue**: seems that the previous directive does not get cleaned up after the first call AND that the re-initialization of current-page does not work correctly on the second...
The main maintainer will stop developing this library for personal reasons, see There are a number of things to do - e.g. to refactor the library to keep it...
Angular leaflet seems to cause an issue with Leaflet Draw: ``` TypeError: L.Control.Draw is not a function ``` nothing changed in a working set of code - only upgraded from...
Enable this nice plugin on the Windows platform
One minor typo in the German translation: from: ``` Speicher wurde entferntet. ``` to: ``` Speicher wurde entfernt. ```
The pinned dependency 'typescript-eslint-parser' uses an outdated typescript version - this prevents the shrinkwrapping process --> please upgrade it to the recent version. - and upgrade the typescript devDependency as...
Is there any experience with windows 10? can you add windows 10 as a supported platform? or guide us to help? seems that there are some APIs in UWP: *...
- if ! cat "platforms/android/assets/www/config.xml" | grep -q "id=\"$BUNDLE_ID\""; then - if ! cat "platforms/android/res/xml/config.xml" | grep -q "id=\"$BUNDLE_ID\""; then
browserify makes bundling the multiple modules much easier. build task example: