**Describe what you want implemented** Eliminate `expect` in `append_output_witness` by propagating an error if `q_o` is `0`. **Describe "Why" this is needed** A malicious user can crash a plonk server...
**Describe what you want implemented** The polynomial `z_2` in round 3 needs a permutation challenge `theta` to be computed. This seems to not be implemented yet. **Describe "Why" this is...
**Describe what you want implemented** Remove the `bit_iterator` macro. **Describe "Why" this is needed** As far as I can see we only invoke the macro once to create `BitIterator8` so...
**Describe what kind of specification you want to have created** Under the documentation module, add articles that help understand PlonK, e.g.: - Zero Knowledge Proofs - Finite fields of elliptic...
**Describe what you want implemented** Create a benchmark that measures the performance of `poseidon` + `plonk` with the transfer circuit. **Describe "Why" this is needed** We need to see if...
**Describe what you want implemented** Use `component_boolean` to check for the index bits in our merkle opening circuit. **Describe "Why" this is needed** Reduce gate count. **Describe alternatives you've considered**...
#### Summary Remove the docs files in this repository, as they are not being maintained. All relevant articles should be transferred to the wiki instead.
**Describe the bug** When creating a circuit that is valid in itself but differs from the circuit from the circuit description by adding public inputs to the constraints, the proof...
#### Summary the method only fails when the point multiplied is not a valid jubjub point, since we know for sure that the constant generator is a valid jubjub point,...