Michael Nutt

Results 86 comments of Michael Nutt

Can you try the Nextcloud client, or possibly Cirrus? (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.synox.android&hl=en)

That certainly looks like a memory issue. Can you post more of the logs preceding that error, and anything else that might have been going on at the time? (were...

Unfortunately sandstorm sharing operates at the grain level, so there's no real way to share just a part of a grain. One thing we could look into might be to...

My understanding is that while the Nextcloud desktop client is a fork of Owncloud, the iOS client is a completely different proprietary client, rebranded from another company. I plan to...

Unfortunately, the "publish" functionality in Davros is a built-in sandstorm feature and the files served are totally static. So Davros isn't able to serve an index, it needs to be...

This is a great idea, something I'd like to eventually support.

That is pretty concerning. Could you try downloading a grain backup and see if your file is intact there? I suspect it isn't. The next thing to check would be...

@ocdtrekkie I believe that issue occurs when the connection is broken and owncloud-client decides to re-upload; currently we upload to a series of tempfiles and then concatenate them into place...

I'm looking if I can figure out a way to clear out stale temporary files. The main challenge there is just finding a heuristic that distinguishes stale files from those...

Wow yeah, the menu does not work well on Firefox/Android. I also opened https://github.com/mnutt/davros/issues/9 to investigate that. It looks like firefox just doesn't like selecting text inside an iframe, for...