
Results 6 comments of M.N.S.

If I comment out line#71, the Generator works fine. Click to open log 1> CMake generation started for configuration: 'x64-Debug'. 1> Extracted CMake variables. 1> Extracted source files and headers....

Neither Clang nor MSVS is able to build the project.

If I set generator to "Visual Studio 16 2019" againe Generator fails: Click to open log 1> CMake generation started for configuration: 'x64-Debug'. 1> Environment settings: 1> CXXFLAGS=-m64 -fdiagnostics-absolute-paths 1>...

Click to open ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66887933/140569323-f300596a-a46e-41cb-bb11-3ec5893255d9.png) **CMakeSettings.json** { "configurations": [ { "name": "x64-Debug", "generator": "Ninja", "configurationType": "Debug", "buildRoot": "${projectDir}\\out\\build\\${name}", "installRoot": "${projectDir}\\out\\install\\${name}", "cmakeCommandArgs": "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=/std:c++latest", "buildCommandArgs": "", "ctestCommandArgs": "", "inheritEnvironments": [ "msvc_x64_x64" ], "variables":...

I switched to ```develop``` version. Now, the generator works. However, the build fails. Click to open log ``` >------ Rebuild All started: Project: seqan, Configuration: x64-Debug ------ [1/1] Cleaning all...

> Can you make sure that `develop` is up-to-date? Yes, I can confirm. > Can you post the configure log again? You mean, `Generator` output? Click to open log ```...