Max Brin

Results 16 issues of Max Brin

I have intentionally set a long awaiting Task.Wait (9 seconds) but no output indicating that. Added to Startup.cs Configure() as needed. Thanks

Hi all, I've noticed that Verify() keeps growing memory dramatically (bumps of 400-800MB each iteration!), the memory doesn't clean. This is a high load production environment. Only GC.Collect() after each...

I'd like to patch MessageBox (a win32 dll) [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)] private static extern int MessageBox(IntPtr hWnd, string lpText, string lpCaption, uint uType); I'm not sure...

needs verify

No use of Memory or Span / ReadOnlyMemory etc. Code is non optimized... Thanks

I'm trying to generate a certificate self-signed by a KeyPair stored in **Azure KeyVault** (HSM). No matter what I tried, I get "invalid signature" error. **Generating the certificate parameters:** ```...

UI becomes fast only when restarting the app. Thanks

Hi, is it possible to add before/after code on native calls (Pinvoke)? Thanks

**Describe the issue** Hi, trying to run MIDIVisualizer but getting "could not start GLFW3". Tried to install OpenGL but nothing changed. **Hardware info:** - OS: Ubuntu 22.04 - MIDIVisualizer Latest...


Hi, thanks for this great .net library. Are you planning to upgrade to Blake3? Thanka

Hi, I'm trying to find a code example (ECDSA) that will help me create and sign a new certificate by an existing ca certificate (already uploaded to KV). I don't...