Spectra from PTF SLSN paper Quimby et al 2018 (2018arXiv180207820Q) not ingested. WISEREP by default only displaying smoothed version, need to grab "Original extraction" from related files
Aliases look pretty messed up -- says "SN2017egm" like 10 times with the same reference. I guess because of model uploads?
I don't know if this is an 'issue' exactly, but the same Swift UVOT points are showing up in both AB and Vega systems. Makes it hard to interpret light...
Note: some of these objects have data published in an unusual system. Others have data published in the normal system, but are currently tagged on the OSC with the wrong...
A useful feature (e.g. for planning observations) would be the ability to enter a date and get back the SN's (rest-frame) age at that date
Looking at position of Ha, most spectra seem to have lambda_obs~6560 and lambda_rest~6525. Later spectra have Ha at correct position.
Several spectra here look like they have been de-redshifted twice
Current strategy for bolometric magnitudes is a "white" filter defined as 100% transmission across a wavelength range that can be defined in filterrules.json. Mosfit then treats this as a normal...
Implement jeffreys prior - hopefully this will help with strong dependence on linear v log-flat priors
- [ ] Introduce band offsets as a free parameter? - [ ] Use OSC spectra to calculate band offsets This is more of a long term goal, particularly regarding...