
Results 63 comments of Mikhail

I shared a proposal doc in [this issue](https://github.com/gnosis/safe-pm/issues/1) for team review

I would appreciate your feedback on the second round of wallet_batchTransaction RPC proposal, this time it is EOA “compatible”, and the transaction types are exactly the same as in eth_sendTransaction....

Update: Argent team said they would be happy to support this too.

The problem is the cached safeInfo: https://github.com/safe-global/safe-apps-sdk/blob/master/packages/safe-apps-web3-react/src/connector.ts#L25-L30 We need to update and release a new version of the SDK

Unexpected plot twist: we deprecated the web3-react connector because it's now available in the original web3-react package: https://github.com/Uniswap/web3-react

@Graeme-Code, Richard pointed out that we needed to indicate that the transaction is proposed with a custom nonce, potentially overwriting other transactions. Can we evaluate this issue? https://github.com/gnosis/safe-react/issues/2904 can be...

Suggestion from @taylorjdawson > You could add a data- attribute to the iframe element and then I believe dapps could access this to determine if they are in a gnosis...

getInfo() uses `.postMessage` and not http, it cannot fail with a CORS error. Could you share the code? The problem must be somewhere else

> Ok, so the error is not related to the gnosis safe info. But when I am trying to get safe info, there is no error, but the app is...

I just checked, and other apps are working, so we'd need a reproduction case to check it.