
Results 63 comments of Mikhail

> > I (somewhat) understand you, but I can say the same thing: dApp estimations on gas prices and gas limits are also way too often wrong. Especially for smart...

> > > @mikhailxyz thank you for chiming in! I am trying to catch the 803 event(or the error message more closely related to the error occurring) from the Safe...

> > > @mikhailxyz thank you for chiming in! I am trying to catch the 803 event(or the error message more closely related to the error occurring) from the Safe...

> @mikhailxyz ah ok, it is strange that the Code 803 is not surfaced through the catch. I would expect the 803 code to be propagated. I have updated our...

> You are correct @enzoferey apologies for closing the issue before fully resolving the error handling. Please checkout the video and errors noted below and confirm if this is the...

So basically what we need to do is include this to safe apps sdk: https://github.com/gnosis/safe-react/blob/development/src/logic/tokens/utils/formatAmount.ts

@lukasschor I wouldn't include it in the components library, because in this case the developer would have to use react in order to reuse our formatting logic and IMO number...

Oh, sorry I read your message wrong, I didn't spot "also" in "this could also be part of" 🤦‍♂️ Actually I meant that I wouldn't include the formatting logic ONLY...

The biggest obstacle for broader batch transactions support is that only smart contract wallets support them. So it's tough to make a one-stop solution that would use batch transactions for...

> My proposed solution is to support Argent's `wc_multicall` [RPC method](https://docs.argent.xyz/wallet-connect-and-argent#multicall) in the `safe-apps-provider` package and WalletConnect Safe App. It has the same method signature for Gnosis' multisend, so it's...