Martin Meinhold
Martin Meinhold
Thanks for your comments. I updated the radeon part, however I cannot test it since I do not have such a board. Also updated the dump part and fixed some...
> Looks like it'd also break amdgpu when on older DRM. How do you think it will break? Temp sensor data has been exposed at the same time as memory...
well, this is a common problem also with the other sensors data as well. e.g.: In case, line 80: (!(ret = getsclk_amdgpu(&out32))) gives false for some reason, the function pointer...
do you want to have them all similar or should the NULL check remain there?
as discussed, unified the initialization of function pointers and squashed all commits into one. Would appreciate to see it in upcoming releases.
Of course I tested and it’s working not only for me with correct values as you can see here: That’s why I said I can only test for amdgpu,...