
Results 8 issues of Shivesh

Is it possible to extend this function to work with greater than two UIColors smoothly transitioning between them?

Hi, I've independently been bashing my head against this problem (though my problem is probably related more to converting a .JXR to a .HEIC/.HEIF image with proper exposure while maintaining...

F strings were added in Python 3.6 with PEP 498. These don't get detected. Sample program: ```python s = "hello world" print(f"{s}") ``` Expected output: `3.6` for the sample program...

This PR fixes #58, and improves the behavior of #32 (paging @As4shi since I found their fork mentioned here which is a very similar independent implementation of this.) Now, there's...

There's currently two issues, with the "Filter by Title Preference" 1. Currently, there's no way to only show Japanese VA's as a part of People list if using English titles....

Warning message emitted by the Language server of the following format: `WARNING - pyls_jsonrpc.endpoint - Received cancel notification for unknown message id xxx` Breaks completions and linting. Related Issues open...

languager server bugs

extension bug
languager server bugs