Miguel Monteiro Claveri
Miguel Monteiro Claveri
Any update on this issue, we were not experiencing it before V10 of cypress. We upgraded and got the same issue. Some workarounds here work, but they break other features...
Hello !!!!! Any news about that ? We implemented clarity in our system, in order to be GDPR compatible, if a user rejects cookies after have accepted them, we have...
Here I'm getting sometimes (randomly) the codeCoverage when executing tests in parallel and codeCoverage=true.
Same issue here with Azure Devops pipelines and angular project In our case we migrated from 10.7.0 to 10.9.0 And times passed from ~30 mins of agent running to 1hour...
Do we have an update on this issue ? Is there any info that we could provide that would help you investigate ?
Not sure I can invite you ( as we are corporate, and thats IT department.... ) But I can run in our DevOps pipeline any command you want with any...
It in fact does not work. We use that version in our project, and I had to open this bug #567
Users tracking will remain with or without cookies. The only problem is that the cookies wont be used, so you wont identify 1 user as itself, but as multiple users...
Also mention, that when we give consent, everything works. When we use "clarity('consent', false)", the same thing happens ( cookies remain, but with empty value )
As an add on, we just discovered that the MUID cookie is added before the consent is given. Either this cookie should be flagged as "strictly necessary" ( so that...