
Results 15 issues of Nikolas

i try integrate swagger in my UI, rewrite rest_framework_swagger/index.html (only stay main) ``` html {% extends "base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% load static %} {#{% extends "rest_framework_swagger/index.html" %}#}...

1. how get https proxy? 2. how limit parser to produce only https proxy's? 3. how get proxy from non localhost request?

i work in windows and use: but when run with debug toolbar sometimes i have many many times repeat logs like this (load long, around 15-20 seconds!!!): ``` Exception... ``` from notify.signals import notify # your example view def follow_user(request, user): user = User.objects.get(username=user) # ... # dofollow # ... notify.send(request.user, recipient=user, actor=request.user #

Add this code to base.html ```html $.ajaxSetup({ data: {csrfmiddlewaretoken: '{{ csrf_token }}'}, }); ``` this allow easy use Ajax forms + csrf token

a very similar project with a reach components library: can compare with your library, are there any plans for SSR?

Windows 11, WSL, pgsync 3.1.0 please help fix this

1. Hello, th for you work. How get new connection object for using asyncio.gather ? 2. How get engine object from any place ?

all values cast how VARCHAR, this not possible operation for dates can help please where i can cast values to specific type?