
Results 12 comments of mmm2016

I can get a similar effect using densepose_rcnn_R_50_FPN_s1x. but I don’t know how to save npy files like train_densepose

> Hello, > First off your sample app has greatly helped in some understanding of mediapipe (I just started learning it last week). Can you give any pointers on how...

已经更新最新版本 。

> 0.7.6当前无法编译多手势的aar,想问下作者是怎么编译的aar > > load(“ // mediapipe / java / com / google / mediapipe:mediapipe_aar.bzl”,“ mediapipe_aar”) > > mediapipe_aar( > name =“ mediapipe_hand_tracking”, > 计算器= [“ // mediapipe / graphs...

没有就自己加嘛,要什么加什么接口 。

"com/google/mediapipe/formats/proto/", 你看这个类 加了什么 ,你就参照一下 。加什么 就可以了。应该要加两个地方 。

> > 搞定了,谢谢群主 > > meet the same problem, can you give me a hand, thanks!! Add an interface in mediapipe_aar.bzl by yourself

It should be that the cpu architecture is different, --fat_apk_cpu=arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a , I only chose one, but I forgot which one.