Mike Linford
Mike Linford
Right now there's a scary "1/10 (high risk)" reported by BlackDuck for our project. We should really see what we can do to remedy this. It might not be possible...
Looks like there's old checkstyle plugin configuration in the POM and some configuration files in the config folder. We should either fix it or remove all of it.
Trying to build a simple example ([main.rs.txt](https://github.com/PistonDevelopers/piston_window/files/254101/main.rs.txt)) with OpenGL 2.1 causes a panic while creating the window ([error.txt](https://github.com/PistonDevelopers/piston_window/files/254100/error.txt)). This happens on both my Fedora 23 virtualbox VM and on its...
Hello, There seem to be a few issues with the CoolingHalo and CoolingHaloWithSpin examples: - A script radial_profile.py is in run.sh, but there is none in the project - I...