Michael Nowak

Results 11 comments of Michael Nowak

A _Product -> Clean_ (shift+cmd+k) may help ;)

A self-signing certificate suffices. Take a look at: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/security/Conceptual/CodeSigningGuide/Procedures/Procedures.html -- "To use the Certificate Assistant to create a self-signed signing identity"

Hello! I had the problem with **retrieving** large binary data from a _varbinary(max)_ column. I didn't received the full content. It looked like only the first chunk. I read about...

@esat7 Yeah, just click on it. I know, it doesn't provide much feedback. I'm willing to admit that is something that could be improved. On some websites the extension might...

@esat7 …and I suppose that you already associated the extension with your KeePass application.

I'm using KeePassXC as well. How do you set up the URL formats? I have both on _"Protocol & Host"_: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68866/33369188-0e6596f2-d4f4-11e7-8e7c-65317a0ae9ae.png) The thing with the prompt _always_ popping up, seems...

Hi @nitrnitr! Thank you for the report. Which password manager do you use? I'm using KeePassXC and it works for me with the latest passafari and Safari 11.0 on macOS...

I didn't saw this issue during development. Did you ever saved your database after allowing access in MacPass?

Thanks, @nsiniakevich, for the report! I'll have a look.

Hi @codfather, I think it is the issue of this ticket. @nsiniakevich already posted the steps to reproduce it. Are these the same for you?