This still occurs with 1.2.0, anyone got any custom JS to remove the (All) option?
This JS works, but obviously is limited to only running onload: ``` function remove_all_option() { document.getElementById("Your ID Here").getElementsByClassName("selectized")[0].selectize.removeOption(""); } window.onload = remove_all_option; ```
onload is a JavaScript event handler (I think, I'm not great on JS terminology), which triggers when the whole HTML document has been loaded into your web browser (i.e. everything...
I've known this to not work in Firefox, it might be better to replace "window.onload" with "$(document).ready" to be more cross-browser compatible. You'd need to give an example of your...
When you say it isn't working, in what way is it not working? The location of the JS shouldn't matter. From memory, when no options are selected in Crosstalk, all...