Hi I used gfp-gan on many different old photos and it works just fine. Except when women have scarf, and the photo is a bit low quality (e.g. eyes are...
Hi. I have a question regarding interpolation between to poses. I have two images (frames) and I extracted YX positions of 18 joints (see the figure). I would like to...
Hi. I have a question regarding interpolation between to poses. I have two images (frames) and I extracted YX positions of 18 joints (see the figure). I would like to...
Hi. When I run this command from within pafprocess directory: swig -python -c++ pafprocess.i && python3 build_ext --inplace I get this error: in", line 2, in import numpy...
Hi. I have a question regarding motion in-between-ing. I have two images (frames) and I extracted YX positions of 18 joints (see the figure). I would like to use these...
Hi I have two questions. 1- Is it possible to know the default frame rate used for generation of actions? I could see that frame rate is defined in multiple...
Dear Chen Thanks for the amazing work. I have a question regarding the databases used for training VAE and MLD. I assume if the database is more diverse, the MLD...