Matt McNeil

Results 11 comments of Matt McNeil

@geerlingguy I'm curious if there are any blockers to this being merged? It would be a nice touch to have this handled automatically.

Cool, thanks for the tip @justbur! :)

@mckellygit do you have your hacked plaintext syntax available somewhere? I'd be interested in trying it out. Thanks!

awesome, thanks @mckellygit!

@sharkdp I am wondering if you would re-consider adding this feature as an option that requires the user to opt-in. This would be very helpful for me as a sysadmin...

@mckellygit I went back and tried your approach again and was able to get it to work. 🎉 Thanks again for the inspiration and instructions! In the process, I simplified...

Hi @stevenguh, thanks for taking a look into this. I'm just getting started with extension development so don't have much to contribute to the discussion yet, but could open an...

@stevenguh I've just gotten busy with work, so probably won't have much time to look into this for a little while. In the meantime, I've got a personally workable solution...

I'm also seeing the case in (2) above, where the items get stuck and won't update. Refreshing the plugin doesn't help and the only solution I've found is restarting xbar....

Just confirming that this issue is still reproducible with the current version of projectile. As I (like the original poster) find the current behavior confusing, I'm curious if anyone has...