Maurice McCabe

Results 18 issues of Maurice McCabe

Older version apparently no longer works. The current version has a dependency on google services. This requires downloading google-services.json for your project.

Fixes #172

It should be possible to run iOS and android integration tests in parallel. This can be done by separating out the tests by device type (iOS or android) and running...


Use to run _screenshots_ on real devices in the cloud. Sylph is a new command line utility for running integration tests on real devices in the cloud. Sylph runs...


In theory, it's possible to add support for all devices that Flutter runs on. A report can then be generated (similar to so that a quick glance will show...

Customer: Feedback

- Integration tests are dart programs with no app dependencies. - The debug app is already installed on the device by the time the test is invoked on Device Farm...


Flutter tests can generate artifacts such as screenshots and logs. Add these artifacts to the job artifacts to be included in download.


Use tmp dir returned from os instead of specifying in config file. @mmcc007 thanks you for your help, it was configured to return table. Have change it to json, but...


Modify aws calls to use json in response This command doesn't work for me as well : sylph -d android | grep Pixel ``` sylph -d android | grep Pixel...


Usage analytics and crash reporting ala Flutter Tools Also - tool version management - separated main command line functions into commands with options - build on cirrus also (unit tests...