unfortunatelly my ecu dont like latest snapshots so testing is halted untill i get beter result of firmware update than FATAL, im planing to purchase second ecu or set of...
im +1 on some sort of security capabilities of ecu :)
overview: when driver demand via PPS is below some threshold open ETC to 10-40% retard ignition to 5-30deg ATDC add 2-20% fuel hints: antilag should run engine in neutral gear...
seems like you are locked in 0-360degree of engine cycle and 360-720 is ignored . interesting is that for fueling it seems working 0-720
i will try but those ways still rely on setup, if ecu have all sensors set to "none" i cant see analaog3 value anywhere am i right?
purpose of this is debug/ fault finding/support/malfunction verification. if user do wrong wiring or setup its easy to trubleshoot when guru have acess to log of physical pin status example:...
both doesnt show up , only STMicroelectronics Virtual COM Port (COM26) apear in device manager
it happen after i brick my other MRE an try to fix it via instaling drivers from rusefi console, sinc then mine MREs doesnt show as mass storage device nor...
ok mine fix for this issue on win10 is to go to device manager - com and lpt ports - STMicroelectronics Virtual COM Port (COM26) , right click and uninstal...
as far as i use allso win7 machine with disabled updates , i tried removing STMicro virtual com too, but now win7 cant find driver for rusefi ecu, it says...