Márton Marczell

Results 7 comments of Márton Marczell

Hi @dario-piotrowicz I don't really see how this could be simpler than 2 components. One key information I can now see I left out: You have to press the arrow...

Hi @dario-piotrowicz, Thank you for the detailed answer and fix. I noticed from #46450 that my "workaround" was basically: activating _another_ bug to get the desired behaviour. Your solution is...

Here's a working way to fetch 1.0.3 from Jitpack: implementation 'com.github.romandanylyk:PageIndicatorView:v.1.0.3'

Skipping the gyp based build instructions, I made my own CMake build based on https://groups.google.com/g/emscripten-discuss/c/LPMLVl-XcHQ/m/IBBDhR_LAAAJ, and I could successfully target WASM with that.

@smourier has provided a workaround which can be seen here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78316887/use-c-winrt-component-but-really-any-winrt-component-in-wpf-net-6/78342481#78342481 or here: https://github.com/mmarczell-graphisoft/winrtbug/commit/e417f57079c68c18f4ca530311b150ee47d2fcd0 but this is only a workaround, the bug still stands.

Looking at `cswinrt.rsp` (which is a file that contains the command line arguments), I can observe that as long as my C# code does not contain `using winrtcomponent_cpp;`, the rsp...

I think it would still be useful to have some minimal amount of logging even in this scenario. For example in https://github.com/microsoft/CsWinRT/issues/1543, it would be useful if I could look...