What's wrong with installing a x86 driver on a 64-bit Windows system? It's not recommended if there is a 64-bit equivalent, but I don't see why it should be prevented....
(Still learning GitHub so bare with me if I make some git errors). I did a git commit --amend, which seemed to require me to do a force push, rather...
Also note that I used WiX 3.10 since it was the "latest" when I started, so I updated build.bat to reflect that. Not sure its necessary, but I didn't want...
This was all very helpful, but the question that arises is "Am I only allowed to do ~16ms of processing (time in between frames at 60 FPS) before I have...
> Not 100% sure I follow what the issue is. It sounds like the issue is that the meeple is not "snapping" to the correct place on the tile. Is...