Maren Mahsereci
Maren Mahsereci
Thanks for the question @KirillShmilovich ! @javiergonzalezh , @aaronkl has one of you BO experts thought about this and has some guidance?
Is there a reason that the method gets the callables instead of the optimizer object? Regrading Andrei's comment, we could also have a boolean which is True if f also...
Noticed that the SEIR model example was broken. #428
> Shall we get to the bottom of #421 before releasing though? yes, sounds good.
I was away during the summer for a bit. Found one more kernel embedding as well #430 . That should now be fairly complete for `quad` though (famous last words).
> In docstrings it is said that the default `var_tol` is 1e-8. Are we supposed to default to 1e-6 or 1e-8? Good catch. I must have changed the docstring on...
Are we ready now for new release @apaleyes ?
my hope is to still implement WSABI-M at some point, so I'd like to keep it open as a annoying reminder to myself. I'll change the description to be a...
Closing since it should be fixed by #437 .
Closing due to inactivity. Feel free to re-open in case you want to finish the PR at some point @fxbriol .